Saturday, January 30, 2010


Brathe, JoJo, breathe. Whew... okay... well, the baby is on the way, and I don't know what to do, and I just got away from Hester attacking at me for not calling the doctor (which I did) and she was sitting on me saying "Call him! Call him!" and I was saying "When you're sitting on me I can't do ANYTHING!!!" But she wouldn't listen to me and she's a lot heavier than me and I couldn't get her off until Hallie came along and got her off me and I could breathe long enough to tell them I called him already and then I already called Dad and now I can't do anything but type run-on sentinces on the computer! I feel so... helpless! And worthless. I mean, Hallie's out there trying to knock some sense into Hester (dad's not home to tell her not to beat up her sisters and my ribcage is brused enough anyway) and... somebody else (I can't remember her name) is keeping all the younger sisters under control and I'm sitting here being worthless. Oh, I think the doctor's here, I gotta go get him.