Saturday, January 30, 2010

And to make everything worse, guess who showed up. Mayzie. Said she was gonna help with keeping everyone under control. But all she's doing is driving me nuts! I'm surprised she isn't leaning over my shoulder right now reading what I type! And she keeps wanting to talk. And wanting me to answer. I don't want to! I WANT to be alone! I wish everybody'd go away! Just leave me alone! Oh, someone's knocking on the door. Come to see the zoo, I guess. I hear... Mayzie! "I'll get it!" Oh man I can't...

Update: Whoa that was really really bad. Mayzie was going for the door, I ran out of the office and tried to get the door before her, we both tripped and I was getting off of her when Dad came in. "Dad!" I said at the same time as Mayzie said "Mr Mayor!" And he said "JoJo! Mayzie? Where's your mom?" I stood up and dusted off and said "Upstairs." "Okay. I'll talk to you later, JoJo." and he gave us both a funny look before running up the stairs. I looked sideways at Mayzie. She was red. And she said "Maybe I'll go home now." I was releived, but then Hallie had to come in and ruin it by saying "Mayzie! Help! JoJo! Get in here!" And I reluctantly followed Mayzie. I REALLY hope I wasn't blushing. Now Dad's... hever mind, but he's home. I think al the girls were relieved, but I can't help remembering.

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