Friday, January 29, 2010

Who U vandalism- man thinks he nabs crook, "crook" turns out to be...

Me. So I did it. I was a bad boy and I snuck into Who-U to see the damage. It was really, really bad. The library was the worst of all the rooms I saw, but I didn’t see that many cause… well, I got caught. I didn’t know what happened, just somebody picked me up all the sudden and a voice said “I got you now!” and I said “put me down!” and whoever it was dropped me and I spun around and they flipped on a flashlight and shined it in my face. "Heh, JoJo McDodd. I never... how old are you, boy?" I was shielding my eyes with my hand and trying vainly to see who it was. "Fourteen." I answered. "Fourteen, huh? Yea, they sure start young." And I realized... "Wait, no, you don't think I vandalized this place?" "And his dad being the mayor, I never would have guessed. JoJo. I see it now- guard catches vandal single handed." "Yeah, try telling them the vandal was three and a half feet tall, not to mention the son of the most important man in Whoville." He lowered the light a little, I lowered my hands. "You didn't do this?" "NO!" I said a little louder than I meant to. "Easy, kid. Well, look son, if I turned you in, you'd be in big trouble. But... I'll let you go, just this once, if you promise to NEVER do anything like this again. Promise?" "Yes, sir. It won't happen again." and I was promptly put out of the building. Well, that didn't go so good. I still have no idea who the guard was, but I think he must have been pretty big; he picked me right off my feet with one hand. And that's kinda weird. I mean, I'm not that small.
Anyway, I have this weird numb feeling that the baby is gonna be born tomorrow. I don't want to think about it, and I don't want to talk about it. So I won't.

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