Friday, April 16, 2010

The views of JoJo McDodd on...



I wouldn't really mind dropping out of school right about now. Cause we had this exam, right? Just HAPPENED to be one I didn't study for. And it was the only thing I didn't study but it wasn't like anyone believed me about THAT. So after that there was this lecture and I was still sulking over getting a D on the exam and wondering how I'd explain THAT, when the lecture guy (some Who-U grad who was wondering if he liked teaching or something) asked a question, and when nobody answered he asked me in specific and I had no idea and I ccan't believe this, but that's what I said aloud "I have no idea" and he laughed so everbody laughed and it was just a little... I mean, it's not fair, I never laugh at other kids when they get embarrassed but everybody still laughs at me... then after that on the way home I saw that guy Jesse again. Well, I couldv'e been brave and left my sisters and seen what he wanted, but I was a coward and kept going, trying to convince myself I was keeping Hallie and Hester safe. It didn't really work. And I also found out that typing JOJQ looks cool. Sorry yeah I sometimes just type around until I remember what I wanted to say and even now after typing that I can't remember... oh yeah... great now I wish I HADN'T remembered. Class omething or other is coming up and guess who's hosting it. Zattics. Blah blah blah. I do NOT want to go and I told Mom that the moment after I came in the door. And guess what she said? "you need to get out more and get to know people" and I was thinking "No I'm fine alone" but I decided not to argue the point... with Mom. But when Dad gets home... I don't think he'll care whether or not I go. he doesn't do stuff like that most of the time.

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