Sunday, April 4, 2010

Okay. I'm on the way home. Everything should be right after this. It's both... I mean, its Not totally MaGees fault all of This is happening. It's OURS too, I mean ours as in my family, the McDodds. This will be hard for dad. He really really is proud of being a McDodd.
It hit me a different way though. Because... I'm not the only one anymore... its not like with Max and my personal family, its like... I'm not the only one who's not perfect. Perfectly... I mean perfectly content. I dunno why I think this, it would be nice to say something like his picture had always made me stop and look at it, but it didn't. Skyler McDodd is his name. The eyes in his picture always made me kinda think he hated everything... ummm... yeah dad thinks he looks a whole lot like me. I don't know anything about him. But i think I would have... what's the word... empathized with him. I dunno...
So I'm on the way home, when I get there I'm gonna tell dad everything.

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