Friday, March 12, 2010

You know, they didn't want me today, said they need me tomorrow night and not today, well it might be a good thing because Hallie was folowing me around and she might have followed me THERE... and that would have been BAD, very bad. There was just a note on my locker and it said "Tomorrow night, Pup" I hoped nobody had seen it, but one of the older guys did and said "Who you going out with, McDodd? How sweet, shorty's got himself a puppy crush." "I do NOT..." "Where'd the girl come from, Tinyville?" THAT made me mad and I lost it and jumped on the offender and we got into a pretty good fight even though I do weigh only about 30 pounds and he must've been about 150 but somebody picked me off of him and I turned on them but they cought both of my arms and I saw who it was... Destin. I let my hands fall and he said "Okay who started it?" "He did!" The other guy said and I said "No HE did he said..." "Who REALLY started it?" He looked really mad... I wondered why he was here for a second, but then he IS a high-schooler, but I never saw him around... but the other guy was still blaming me, and I thought it would be bad for me but all the other guys were saying it was his fault... why were they so scared of Destin? Well he grabbed the other guy by the fur on his chest and said "Next time pick on somebody your own size." And dropped him. And left. Whoa that was weird. And my nose was bleeding. I went to wash the blood off and Jonas Zattic came up to me and said "If you so much as tough my sister, runt, you will be dead meat." WHAT IS IT WITH PEOPLE THINKING I LIKE MAYZIE??? And then on the way home from school Hallie was walking really close to me and I kept backing away and she'd just get closer like I wouldn't NOTICE... then I saw Destin standing over by a building, I waved to him a little, he signed "Go away" I kept walking, Hallie asked "Who's that?" Whoa I wasn't expecting her to care. I shrugged "JoJo, we both know you are just not that friendly." "Well maybe I'm working on my social skills." And she kept talking at me but I didn't answer her.
Oh yeah, Mom and Dad are leaving for the weekend in the morning and they decided NOT to hire a babysitter... which left me. So I will not be able to get on the computer for a while probably... if I was them I wouldn't leave me in charge but they did. So I will be at home and if Dr LaRue is reading this maybe she could come and help? I know you don't know anything about kids but I don't understand about girls and YOU do... just a thought.

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