Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Almost caught

Well I'm not internet grounded anymore, but I don't have much to say that I didn't already say in my LJ. Except I'm still scared. I had a dream last night that I was somebody else and I was walking down a street and I saw MYSELF lying by the side of the road really beaten up and I woke up in a cold sweat, I still don't know if I was dead or alive but I don't want to have it again and find out.
So Dr Wocket caught me. At town hall. In dad's office. I was actually doing it- going through his stuff. I heard somebody knock on the door. "Yipe!" I jumped off his chair and dove behind the desk. Not a very smart idea, if you ask me, cause if it had been Dad...
"JoJo, what are you doing behind my desk?" "Uhhh... nothing. Just... hiding... from... you... in your office where I didn't need to be in the first place..."
But it wasn't Dad, it was the Doctor. "Mr. Mayor? Anyone here? Did someone say yipe?" I stood up and hit my head on the desk. Ouch. That will leave a bump. "Oh it's you." I said. "JoJo? I'm glad to find you here. What... well, never mind. I have a plan. My plan is for you to actually write notes to me. Yes, this could be more dangerous, but it could also be safer. You will write letters addressed to an uncle. And sign them with a different name and mail them to me with the who-post box on first street." "What if somebody finds one and regognizes my handwriting?" Now for the first time I regret my one-of-a-kind handwriting. Yes, it's very distinctive. And if somebody who knew it saw it that's it for me. "Hmmm... that could be a problem. My only other theoretically possible option requires an in-between. Hmmm... I suppose we may yet have to involve Dr. LaRue. I do not wish to do this, though. I will speak with her again and I will catch you again. Wait... I have it! JoJo!" I was feeling the bump on my head... maybe Mom wouldn't see it if I keep my hair over my forhead all the time... "What?" "Your observatory! It's the perfect spot! Noone notices you going there, and if someone DID notice me I could make up an excuse for beig there easily! It's perfect, nobody but you ever goes there!" He was very eager, but I still mostly like it to be secret. "Well... I guess so." I siad reluctantly. "Let's see.. how do you get up there?" I described how I do it in as little detail as I could manage. And really, it was kinda hard, it's so natural for me I just do it without thinking. "I'll... do something so you know I'm up there. Like a note or something. It wouldn't be too weird, I guess." "Yes, it's settled then! Thank you very much, young man. I have always wanted to see this invention of yours." He was really eager. "Yeah sure." He said then "I came to see your father, do you know where he is?" "Uhhh... no I don't. I just came over here to... look through his stuff. Miss Yelp wasn't here either." "She's here now." "Oh drat. Do you think she'll notice that I just came out of Dad's office from nowhere?" He laughed. "Maybe." then I took one last look at the desk and saw it. "Yes!" I didn't see it all along, but this was a whoprint of the gym, with some things crossed out and others written in black that aren't there now. It was signed, too. "Hmmm..." he looked at it, then back to me. "This is what they want?" "Yeah. Look, you didn't just see me take it. Oh wait... this might be bad on you... I will..." I grabbed a pen and started copying it onto another sheet of paper, and I had it mostly done when I heard the rush of air that meant somebody was coming. They copy wasn't done, but I stuck it in my pocket anyway. I heard Dad ask Miss Yelp if anyone was here to see him, "A Doctor Wocket" she replied. "He's been in there a while for being alone." I looked at him with an expression that tried to convey that Uh-oh this might be bad for him. He nodded. Then my mind flew fast to a reason why I might be there... aha! I had it, then Dad came in. "Hello Doctor... JoJo? What are you doing here, and why are you standing on my desk?" "I came to get my WCD. I left it here last time." Yes, at least I did leave it last time. "Oh, okay. I may have put it in my desk." I jumped off and dug through the drawer while Dad greeted Dr Wocket. "I'm so sorry to hear about the break-in, and believe me, we're doing the best we can to find out who did it..." Got it. "I got it, Dad. See you at home." "Let me see your eye." I rolled my eyes. "Okay then, see you at home bud."
And I gave Miss Yelp a fright when I came out of the office- she didn't see me go in so it was like I just materialized out of nowhere. I was tempted to play it up and get back at her for those WhoSpace videos, but I didn't. "My word, sweetie, don't DO that again!" "Sorry Miss Yelp." I smirked.
But phew, that was close. Hope Dr Wocket doesn't get in big trouble for that. And I don't even like this WCD anymore. I listened to it and now I wish I'd left it at his office!
Oh, and Mom did notice the bump on my head. "What happened there?" She said. "I hit it on Dad's desk." She shook her head and sighed. "That desk is out to get all theMcDodds." She smiled. "It's already going after you!" I just shrugged.

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