Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ungrounded tomorrow

Well, nothing much went on today either. School, as normal, went just fine; I don’t blame anyone for staying away from me. I bet their parents told them to. Yeah I realize how bad I must have damaged my reputation. Ouch. Oh well. Gotta just deal with it now.
Tomorrow I get ungrounded. Hooray. I can't wait.
Yeah it's not so bad when you know you really deserve it. But I will be able to go out to the symphoniphone then, and I really can't wait! I missed it- a lot. And it's gonna be a real wreck, I know. But I'll be able to do something with it, I am sure. I really love music. I can't help it, I just love it. Sometimes I feel like I couldn't live if there was no music in the world. How terrible... I don't even want to THINK about it. And it's my music. Mine and nobody else's. That seems selfish, but when I did it all and almost created it, out of stuff that people threw out- junk they thought was worthless and ugly... and then it makes something beautiful... I don't know how to describe the feeling, exactly. And also, all that open space in there... it really gives me time to think. When I'm in there, I feel small. But this is a good feeling- even though I'm small I can fill it with something so big... and I can just... I really don't know what it feels like, I guess it feels like even though I'm small I can do something big enough to fill all of that. Something beautiful from me, even though I'm just small and plain and black and grey, I can make beauty. Not that I like beauty so much, it's just... oh I really don't know how to describe it at all properly!

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