Thursday, February 18, 2010

The wreck of the symphoniphone, and the rebellion disease that I don't have

I went out to see how bad the symph was and all I can say is… wow. Just completely wow. I think I can start on it with the stuff Dr LaRue sent, but that won’t cover most of it. Actually, most of the stuff wasn’t broken, just bent and warped and pipes were stopped and a lot of the horns were folded over. And… somebody cut down the bells. How could they? Those took me HOURS apiece to get up there. The mechanism for opening the sky-door (I actually didn’t build that part, it was there long before I ever got in there) was jammed. It’ll take a long time to get that working again… especially as I don’t know how to get up to the top with the elevator cord snapped in two like it is. For those of you who haven’t been inside of it, there’s lot’s of little platforms on the walls, built before I got there. A few- the ones without stuff on them, that I use for actually getting up- are really weak, but I never needed to fix them because I have always been light enough to land on them without mishap. But somebody else wasn’t. And especially in the ones close to the ground- the ones I would need to get on to start fixing stuff- the floors have just kinda fallen out. It’s the same with a lot of stuff in there- I didn’t need it to support any more than my weight plus maybe something I was carrying, but there was somebody heavier than me in there and they made a lot of damage. Hmmm… I wonder if they got hurt? That would be a good thing to know; somebody with an unexplainable broken arm might be a culprit. But anyway, I tried to get started after the original shock of seeing it… like that. I knew it so well, I could walk through it in the dark, everything was in perfect order and just my size, but now everything’s just… not. It’s really bad. But some of it still plays, amazingly enough. That’s good. The whosenbagners (Big drums- I named everything in there, not that I ever call them by their names) weren’t damaged, but the giant balls were off of them and on the ground. Yikes, I never thought of it until they were totally out of my control, but they are BIG. Really really big. And I can’t do a thing with them- except sit on ‘em. And that’s not much use at all, so I have these two (Glad I didn’t decide to start working on an extra one before this) giant things I can do NOTHING with sitting around in there. And lets see what else… oh, all of the tympizylophoniums are totally ruined. I can make new ones with the stuff Dr LaRue gave me- except the actual drumheads. That’s gonna be a problem. I don’t have any idea where to get new ones. The old ones were there. WHY they were in an observatory in the first place is really mysterious, but they were and I used ‘em. Now they’re all broken up. So that’s one thing I should really fix. Well, yeah, along with everything else.

And I am being socially rejected by people at school. They think I’m contagious or something… for what I have no idea. I feel like it should be I’m contagious for terrible ideas and bad ways to handle depression, but I doubt it. It’s probably their parents. Most parents… actually, mine wouldn’t want me hanging out with me either. I don’t think I’d even want to be around myself. But it’s not fair; I said I was sorry, why don’t people believe me? It's like they think I have a rebellion disease and it's catching... I don't try to be that way, I try to fight back the tendencies I have, but I always seem to foolishly let my emotions take over. I don't know why.

I'm trying to take it all well. It’s hard, though, when you get girls whispering behind your back, and the guys haven’t done anything yet. YET I say. And the longer it takes in coming, the worse I think it’s getting. There aren’t so many mean kids in my class, but there’s enough rough guys that I might be worried, if I didn’t think that whatever they’d do to me couldn’t be any worse than what happened at the Symphoniphone. Uhhh… now I think about it, that was pretty bad… I can’t tell Dad either. He’s really busy.

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