Monday, February 15, 2010

moble posting?

Okay that was funny. I borrowed Holly's Who-phone to post that, and boy was she mad at me! She chased me all around the house, and I ran to my bedroom and shut the door. And I thought it was safe to go back out and she leaped on me and toppled me and pinned me to the floor... not very nice. And dad came by then... that was really great. I was saying "Holly stop it!" I couldn't move at all and all the sudden we heard Dad say "Holly?" and she sprang off me. Dad was trying not to smile, I could tell. "What is it now?" I knew I had nothing to go for me at all, having actually taken it off the table after I saw her put it there and useing it without her permission, and she said "JoJo took my Who-phone and was using it and looking at all my contacts!" "What? No I wasn't! Yeah I used the phone but I didn't go through her contacts!" Dad tried to look stern. "Holly?" "What Dad, he did it!" "I know. Tackle him." and I didn't have any time to object because she did, but it wasn't very bad. And it really was funny, even though I got beat up.
But anyway, school was not so bad as I had been anticipating. My teachers… well, some of them berated me the MOMENT I walked into the classroom, others… my coach (we were outside so as not to mess up any other evidence in the gym) said “You think you can still run with all that weight you lost?” and I thought “Whoa” and all my class looked at me and I shrunk down. I must have looked really small when I did that. But even that wasn’t as bad as when Mrs. Fredrickfriedham from Whostory ran to the door and picked me up and hugged me and I was really, really embarrassed- considering the classroom was full at the time and everyone laughed. I think I turned red, which I don’t usually do. Yeah, it was really embarrassing. Especially that she's OLD like maybe 50, and she lifted me off the ground. If I was three maybe, but I'm not and I didn't really appreciate that.
Most of the kids were nice, if kinda distant. A couple of the guys gave me what would have been a normal pat on the back for them and almost knocked me down, the girls almost all opened their eyes really wide and said things like “You’re BACK?” and Mayzie came up and said “Hey! Glad you’re back. Missed you.” And shyly rejoined her group of friends. I tried to smile and say something polite, but all I said was “Thanks”. ERGH! Why did I do THAT? Oh, and Coach did come up to me after school and say, “Sorry about that remark, kid. But you could stand to gain a little. How heavy are you?” I’ve heard that that’s a very impolite thing to say, and I have no real idea. “I dunno, maybe 45?” I said. He whistled. I guess I looked offended, because he apologized. I don’t really mind being my height. In fact, sometimes I wonder how Whos could stand to be so tall! Isn’t it dizzying? But anyway, school was fine except those two incidents.
That's about all that happened today.

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