Saturday, February 6, 2010

I have been spending most of my time here at the library. It's just WAY too cold outside, plus one of the librarians is nice. I havn't starved because he's nice enough to share his lunch. I feel so greedy, though. He offered to take me home with him one day after I told him that I had been sleeping outside, but I refused, cause I don't want to feel at home again somewhere. I started trying to build like a hut or something, I gotup a framework, and I have actually been working at night when this place is closed. Mostly I'm warm enough with just my fur, but sometimes not. I can't realy sleep that much because I keep waking up every time I have that dream. But I can't do anything about it! It makes me so frustrated! I'm not helpless! Most of the time at least. I tried to get a library card out here, but they wanted an address. There is a little Who-settlement, with a few Whos living here. The farmers all around buy stuff here. The library is very very small, but it still has a whoputer lab. Which amazes me. But as long as I can use it, I won't complain. It's a lot different. But it's not so bad, if you think about it. Oddly enough, I miss school a little. Which is only one of... a lot of stuff I miss. But nobody needs me. So why should I go back? Nobody even WANTS me. I don't want to talk about it.

I miss the symphoniphone and music too. I try to sing, but I can't. I just don't feel like it.

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