Thursday, February 4, 2010

At the library...

I keep feeling safe somewhere, then getting pulled up again. Somebody called Mrs. Kipperdanner and they were asking for me. How did they find me? But I had to leave. I told Katie as I left “Tell your mom… tell her I’m JoJo McDodd and thanks for everything.” And I ran away. I knew that if somebody got out to catch me- Micah or Tommy- they could have caught me. I move pretty fast, but an older Who with longer legs could catch me if he really tried. Oh, they had three kids- Tommy, who’s 15. He treated me like I was so young. But he seemed a little… I don’t know, jealous. Why? I have no idea! Then Micah, who is 13. He is short- I mean a lot taller than me, but short still. And he seemed a little… heady about being taller than somebody finally. But he was nice enough. And then there was Katie. She creeped me a little. She is 11 and she was a little weird about having me there. I was there for only two days. But it really felt… like they wanted me. But then somebody ruined it. So I left.
And now I found a library with an internet connection. And that’s where I am now. I didn’t sleep last night. And I haven’t eaten since I left the Kipperdanners. And I’m not gonna steal. I know it’s really weird, but every time I see like if someone left food sitting out, my mind says “You are a McDodd! Live up to the name!” and I get so mad. But I know it’s wrong to steal anyway. So I’m starving. Not literally, of course, but… I’m not tiered, either. It’s kinda weird, actually, most other guys in my class have to be dragged out of bed after sleeping for 10 hours, but I rarely sleep more than 6, and mostly less than that. I guess I just don’t get tired. I did have this weird theory a while back that maybe my body was cannibalizing growth hormones to stay up all night, but I guess not, 'cause one time I slept all night (not when I was sick) and the next day I felt really lazy for sleeping all night and I was mad at myself and my teachers asked what was wrong. When I told them I slept for 10 hours they said “how long do you usually sleep?” and I told them and they looked at me like I was crazy. And I didn’t grow an “inch.”
Okay, so I’m trying to distract myself. I feel like a who-pig for being hungry after just one day. Actually it’s more like a day and a half, but still… I don’t know what I’ll do after this. It’s really warm in here. And outside… it’s not. I hate reading, so I don’t know what to do in a library that wouldn’t be really weird. But I think the librarian is about to boot me off the computer- he didn’t want me to use it without a library card anyway. So I may put more on later, and I may not. I think I’m far enough from the Kipperdanners that they won’t try to come after me. And my feet are killing me anyway.

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