Saturday, January 30, 2010


All... well, I wanted to say... I mean, goodbye. I'm leaving. Maxted McDodd. There's no room for me anymore. So I'm going. And I don't know when I'll be able to use the Internet again.
I went out to the symphoniphone after I finished breaking down in my room. I cried for hours and I feel like the fur on my face is stiff. And when I got there... it was trashed. Trashed like the university. Ruined. I spent years and years... but then I went home and cried some more and then Dad called me. "Come see Maxted." He said. Mom was in her room, with a tiny baby. He was blue like dad. "Oh, JoJo, come here." I went over to the bed, looking at the ground. "This is Maxted, your new brother. Maxted, this is JoJo." I forced myself to look up. His eyes were closed, and he looked like a lot of babies I'd seen, but a lot smaller. I looked back down. "Doesn't he look just like your dad?" She asked. I nodded gloomily. I started to leave, Dad caught me at the door. "You okay, JoJo?" He asked. I nodded again, not trusting my voice. he gave me a quick, impersonal hug. "Good night, son." I went out, shut the door and stood and listened. "How's daddy's little boy?" I heard Dad. "What do you think of Maxted Edward?" he asked. I couldn't bear anymore. I ran back to my room. And now, I'm leaving. I tried again and again to write a note, but nothing came out. Except one little piece of paper "I love you all. Love, JoJo" I'll leave it on my desk when I go. Which I'm doing now. I just had to say this before I left. I love you all. I'm gonna go say goodbye to my trashed observatory, then I'll go. I don't know where I'm going, or how I'll get there, or what I'll do when I'm there, but I can't stay any longer. So, I guess this is goodbye.

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