Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sorry I ran off like that. Anyway, They still havn't fixed the giant meatball and I really don't think they will. Looks like Spaghetti for us! Yeah, dad's still upset, but he thinks I'm the one that's upset... I'm really confused!
And a word of warning- Never type my name into a search engine. I did. I got SOOOOOO mad! Like all these people put drawings and stuff and pictures of them tryng to look like me and if I looked like that I'd go into hiding! I don't get it- why do people like me so much? I'm just a normal guy. Well, I did save our world, but that was easy- anyone could have done that! I just did the right thing at the right time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I get it! It's the singing! Well, Read my profile to see what I think of that!
